April 21 was the last Thursday night before Zen Center went on "spring break"; we have a more official name, but you get the idea. I don't think anyone went to Key West or Lake Havasu, though, or if they did, they certainly weren't saying.
Here are the cookies from that week:
Macadamia Shortbread Brownies
Melting Chocolate Meringues
both from Alice Medrich, Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt In Your Mouth Cookies
Are we getting tired of this Alice Medrich book? I hope not, since there are probably 300 more recipes to go!
OK, first the brownies. These are a two-layer brownie. First, you make a macadamia shortbread dough, which you put on the bottom of your pan, and pre-bake it like a tart crust. Then, you remove it, put the brownie batter on top while the shortbread is still warm, return it to the oven and then bake until done.
There were some scheduling challenges this week, so I ended up baking these on Wednesday morning, rather than Wednesday evening. The recipe calls for you to bake them until the top cracks. Unfortunately, the top never cracked, and they baked a bit longer than they should have, resulting in a, uh, well-done shortbread on the bottom. My friend and amazing pastry chef Bob Gido Fisher tells me that he always places baking sheets under pans of bars and that this helps to keep them from burning. I know that Dorie Greenspan recommends the same, and in the future I am going to have to adopt that smart technique. Anyway, these were still quite good, with the rich buttery shortbread and then the dense fudginess of the brownie.

Now, if you, like me, gentle reader, have such prejudices enslaving you, I encourage you to make these meringues as a step into the light. Because they are in taste and texture a lot closer to a fluffy truffle than they are to a dessert based largely on air beaten into egg whites until they can hold a little sweetener as well. Like many of my baking projects these days, this recipe calls for very little in the way of ingredients, so it is important to use the best you can, and in this case that means using really good chocolate. Here, the recipe is fairly straightforward. The only "trick" is with folding a lot of melted chocolate into the whipped egg whites. But it is something I do very badly, and I can assure you, it all works out OK in the end, so don't let it hold you back. After making the batter, you scoop it out in small scoops onto the pans and bake and let cool. You are left with, well, what you see above - little higgeldy-piggeldy (amazing, the Blogger dictionary doesn't have suggestions for that one) mounds filled with nuts and lots of chocolate. And since the base is fat free, well....these are positively healthy! At least in comparison to the macadamia shortbread brownies!
P.S. Thanks to Andrew Bodhi-Heart for the pictures this week!
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